This is why the idea of having children has been intentionally socially engineered out of people. The natural impulse to produce offspring has been carefully and deliberately severed from sexual desire, all the cultural and social mores governing sex that funneled the young toward family formation have been demolished. This is why a life of perpetual adolescence is glorified. All of our young people have been psyopsed into adopting the fruitless, nihilistic, and consumeristic lifestyle of the homosexual, whether or not their hearts have been groomed into those particular sexual perversions. The intentionally childless, consumerist, permanent adolescent is gay, whether he sexually desires his same sex or not. It is important for us to be aware that this has been programmed into the hearts of the young, so that we can teach our children to hate it. It is simply not enough to keep your kids from watching movies or having access to the internet when they are in your home. No matter what you do, the magical dark liturgy that runs twenty-four seven will still be out there, and the likelihood that your children will have FOMO (fear of missing out) will be high. But teaching your children to hate it is far more important than keeping it hidden away from them. They should learn specifically why they ought to despise everything from Trashworld. In your house they should mature to recognize that the glories of this disgusting world of ugliness are nothing but hideous monstrosities.

Andrew Isker, The Boniface Option: A Strategy For Christian Counteroffensive in a Post-Christian Nation

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Is that all a quote from Andrew Isker? I like it a lot.

It made me think of C.S. Lewis 'That Hideous Strength'. I read it for the first time a year or so ago. But one of the big themes in that book was the evil technocratic leadership were deliberately trying to undermine relationships / love / sex. I can't believe how Lewis could see something all those years ago which has now come to pass -- and yet how many Christians today still aren't listening.

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Yea, Boniface Option… as opposed to Benedict. Not sure Dreher gets the full picture, at least he claims not to.

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