Is the abolition of the nation state what the war against Russia is ultimately about? The Bolsheviks had a helping hand to power from rich financial interests in the West and were originally internationalist ("Workers of the world, unite"). However, the internationalist faction, represented by Trotsky, was pushed out by Stalin with his much more nationalistic "Socialism in one country." And the divide goes on to this day.

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It was interesting in the interview with Tucker Carlson how Putin drew a lot on the history of Russia and the historic nation state. The Ukraine war seemed to be a competition between the Russian (nationalist) view and the globalist view.

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But what is the end game ehre? Every manouevre of the West has been countered and it looks like we re headed to an open conflict. Deputy Foreign Minister Sergie Ryabkov warned the US earlier this week of a miscalculation that could have "fatal consequences" for America.

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